Water reservoirs and wicking

Water wicking is great for plants for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that water is delivered directly to the roots, where it is most needed, promoting healthy growth and reducing the risk of over or under watering. This is especially important for plants that are sensitive to changes in moisture levels.

Secondly, water wicking systems are very efficient in their use of water, as the water is delivered directly to the roots and there is no wastage through runoff or evaporation. This makes water wicking a sustainable and environmentally friendly option for watering plants.

Finally, water wicking systems are easy to set up and maintain, and can be used in a variety of settings, from indoor plants to outdoor gardens. They can also be used in areas where water availability is limited, helping to conserve water resources while still ensuring that plants receive the water they need to thrive.

All our planters, garden and turf trays contain water reservoirs and wicking.  We use either our own or our partner's WaterUp's wicking systems.  We also retrofit out other manufactured planters with reservoirs and wicking systems.

How it works

A water wicking system works by using a porous material, such as a fabric or soil, to draw water from a source and transport it to where it is needed. The process is based on capillary action, which is the ability of a liquid to flow through narrow spaces without external force.

In our water wicking system, the porous material is enclosed in a wicking ‘sock’ that is placed in contact with the water reservoir. The water is then drawn up through the material, to the soil and delivered directly to the roots of the plant, ensuring efficient use of water and reducing the risk of over or under watering. This is particularly useful in areas with limited water availability or where manual watering is not feasible or cost prohibitive.

Our process

Water Reservoir

We create a water reservoir by either water proofing the planter or inserting a reservoir membrane.  We create a reservoir of at least 130mm that will supply enough water to plants for approximately 8 days in our small Plantaboxes and 3 weeks in our large Plantaboxes in summer months or indoors. 

Wicking Bed

The wicking bed has two purposes.  To provide a structural platform for the soil and plants to sit above the water reservoir on and secondly to support the wicking socks  The wicking bed also has infill pipes that

  • Allow water refill
  • Allow airflow above the water in the reservoir to prevent the water from becoming anaerobic.

Planters with plumbed in watering

An internal float valve is placed into the water reservoir that automatically refills to a set height. This is a great set and forget system.


We use a speciality soil mix in our planters that is high in sand content with equal organic and inorganic ingredients.  We have tested this mix extensively and has the benefit of slow releasing minerals, non-slumping, wicks well and  has a level of organic matter to improve nutrient levels.

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